iRed helps balance the Vata Dosha
iRed is based on secrets of ancient Ayurveda.
We use a traditional production method as described in the Shastras.
iRed Oil contains 60 plus best quality herbs, sourced from Himalayas, like ASHWAGANDHA & JATIPHALA.
JATIPHALA is grahi (astringent) and helps delaying the ejaculation.
Due to its Ayurveda oil properties helps in ED & PE.
Agarwood is renowned for its Ayurveda oil effects, which makes it the perfect essential oil to add to a massage oil blend for those special occasions.
The oil is also reputed to aid conditions that cause performance problems, by easing worries and releasing inhibitions. Strength to blood vessels, nerves and tissue so that with regular use of iRed, your timing increases considerably.
Antitussive, carminative and tonic, they promote bodily heat and dry up serous fluids. They are used in the treatment of loss of vigour.